Thursday, July 06, 2006

i am traffic...

i had a motorcyclist touch my back wheel last night, i obviously called him a wanker...

then i thought about it and realised he'd done it on purpose (he tried to undertake and i accidentally cut him off, i had right of way i should say). i can't believe some body would do something that could leave me on my arse in the face of traffic because they think they're more important than me....

sadly i didn't take his number and instead foccussed my energy on racing after him, giving him the finger and once again calling him a fucking wanker... i wish i'd took the number... i really do...

anyway, so this gets me thinking about jumping red and so on, and i've decided i'll stick to the highway code (to the letter) when every other fucker on the road treats me like fucking traffic and not a target for their frustration. cunts.