Tuesday, September 11, 2007


now... i'm not saying it would make me vote for him... i do like boris on a person level, he's highly entertaining and refreshingly blunt, but he is a bit blue for me...

but, i'd be surprised if his opinions on cycling don't win him a lot of friends.

apologies it's from 'the sun'
boris hates bendy buses


Yokota Fritz said...

I'm in the USA so I might have him confused for another MP, but doesn't he bike because he lost his license do to DUI (or DWI or whatever you call it there)?

horn said...

oh... not that I'm aware of... i did a quick google as well and couldn't find anything... and I'm pretty sure he does test drives for one of the shit lad mags we get here...

you could still be right though, it wouldn't surprise me, he is known as the thinking man's idiot.

Buffalo Bill said...

His 'opinion' on bendy buses is wrong. So he's lost if not my friendship, then at least the benefit of any doubt I might have given him.

horn said...

Really? Why so? I'm curious...